Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16, 2009

West Salem High School parents and community:

During these uncertain economic times, we are not sure what the budget picture will be for West Salem High School. However, our commitment is to provide a quality education for our students. We should know more in the next month the depth of the budget cuts. I will certainly keep you posted.

Our goal is to have good communication with our parents. Many of you have already signed up for the In-touch program. If you have not done so already, please call the school office for details of how to get signed up for this tool to help you stay connected to the school in terms of accessing grades and attendance.

I continue to be impressed with the amazing things our students are doing:
* two National Merit Finalists
* our choir selected to perform at the State of Oregon celebration at the capital
* our Students for Change group making a presentation to the community
* our music program being a finalist for a Grammy
* our athletic teams working hard to be the best they can be
* preliminary results of the state testing look positive

Ed John

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